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High Viscosity Oil Flushing Systems

OIl Filtration and Recycling Design

Originally designed for wind turbine gearbox test oil, our Oil Flush Carts are designed to prolong the life of high viscosity industrial test oils and liquids.

These customizable oil flushing systems remove particulate and water contamination from oil to extend its useful service life. The recycling of oil both reduces operating costs and protects the environment by minimizing needless disposal of industrial liquids.

Utilizing kidney loop filtration, these systems will filter the oil multiple times before it is delivered back to the test stand. Heaters will reduce the viscosity of the oil, and aid in the filtration of the oil. Contaminants will be removed from the oil, bringing it to an ISO cleanliness goal desired by the customer.

General Specifications

  • 200-400 Gallon Powder-coated Storage Tank
  • 5 GPM Primary Filter Pump
  • (2-4) Filter Housings W/Element Lifters
  • Particle Counter W/PLC Interface
  • Heaters with thermostats
  • Large Bag Filter Housing for particulate filtration
  • Air Regulator and Needle Valve
  • Particle Counter with computer Interface and software
  • Complete control system
  • Support Frame and Filtration Component Structure
  • Portability Cart with Tow Bar and (4) Oil Resistant Wheels (2) Swiveling and (2) Fixed
  • All electrical components housed in a NEMA 12 enclosure, painted to match flush cart.
  • Single point power connection
  • Optional High Viscosity Rate Meter & Totalizer

Over the years, we have built multiple flushing systems designed to our customer’s specifications. With each system, we have refined the design to minimize system complexity, increase flow through and improve usefulness.

Please review all of our Oil Filtration & Recycling products below.

Product image of an Batch Oil Recycling Systems
Batch Oil Recycling Systems

The COMO Model 4000 Oil Recycling System is a High Performance Batch System, designed with the versatility to recycle virtually any type of industrial oil and engineered for many years of dependable trouble free service. Restore Contaminated Oil Max …

Product image of an Quench Oil Filtration Systems
Quench Oil Filtration Systems

Quench oil systems typically face a number of operational issues including particulate contamination, water contamination and chemical alteration. As metal is quenched in an oil bath, fines, including carbon particles and tiny bits of flash form in the q …

Product image of an Portable Oil Filter Carts & Dedicated Oil Filtration Systems
Portable Oil Filter Carts & Dedicated Oil Filtration Systems

We have a range of portable oil filter carts that can move easily around your plant continuously filtering your oil - without interrupting normal operations. We also have dedicated bypass filtration systems that are designed for individual oil reservoir a …

Product image of an Engineered Depth Filters
Engineered Depth Filters

Our unique depth filter elements provide the most "state of the art" axial filtration in the industry resulting in filtration down to 1 micron or below. They have the ability to remove and retain up to 1 gallon of water and not ounces but pounds of contam …

Product image of an Dedicated Oil Filtration Systems
Dedicated Oil Filtration Systems

COMO's C-165 and C-265 dedicated bypass filtration systems are designed for individual oil reservoir applications. They provide a quick payback by reducing waste oil disposal costs, decreasing component wear, and practically eliminating downtime. Do …

Product image of an Oil Analysis, Monitoring & Filtration Consultation
Oil Analysis, Monitoring & Filtration Consultation

For over 30 years, our engineers have been helping our clients improve their processes and oil maintenance programs to achieve the following goals: Improved reliability, performance and safety of their equipment. Reduced maintenance and fluid exp …