These days, preserving capital and existing lines of credit are very important to many small and large businesses alike.
To help you get the equipment you need NOW rather than later, JDI, Inc. is happy to partner with Crest Capital to offer these flexible, Application-Only leasing programs:
- Loan/$1 Out lease - Reasonable payments and you own the equipment at the end of the loan or $1 purchase lease term.
- 10% Purchase Option - slightly higher payment than the FMV purchase option, in exchange for a fixed purchase option. Your end of lease options are: (1) purchase the equipment at 10% of original cost; (2) renew the lease; or (3) return the equipment to Crest. You may also apply to add or upgrade to new equipment.
- FMV Purchase Option - Fair Market Value Purchase Option offers the lowest monthly payment, and payments are usually 100% tax deductible. At the end of the lease, you have three options: (1) purchase at fair market value; (2) renew the lease; (3) return the equipment to Crest. You may also apply to add or upgrade to new equipment.
Call us at 800-453-8639 or Click here for a Free Instant Quote and to start your hassle-free online application!