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"Yes, We are Wash Bay Specialists! From pad design to pressure washers and reclaim systems to installation, we can help!"

Our turn-key wash bay water recycling systems are specially designed for washing heavy equipment and commercial vehicles. With these systems, you can remove all suspended solids, floating oils and odors from the waste stream so you can either reuse the wash water or discharge it to the sewer.

Did you know companies face fines of up to $10,000 per day for each wash pad run-off violation? We can help your company avoid fines and improve its washing operations.

Please review all of our Wash Water Treatment Systems products below.

Product image of an Stainless Steel Debris Baskets
Stainless Steel Debris Baskets

Our Stainless Steel Debris Baskets are designed to both protect the equipment and help control costs associated with solids removal from wash bay sumps. The baskets are for washing applications with an average amount of solids. The baskets fit snugly i …

Product image of an JCL-Series Closed Loop Wash Water Treatment Systems
JCL-Series Closed Loop Wash Water Treatment Systems

No matter what type of truck you have, regular washing is an integral part of maintaining a working fleet. Regular washing, however, creates lots of dirty water and solids. Hauling this water is an option, but treating, recycling and reusing the water can …

Product image of an Multi-Media/Sewer Discharge (MSD Series) Water Filtration System
Multi-Media/Sewer Discharge (MSD Series) Water Filtration System

The MSD-Series Filtration System is an extremely efficient wash water treatment system that will process oily wash wastewater for acceptable discharge to the sewer. Consisting of a fully automated multi-media filter and a carbon polishing filter, the wat …